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Press Release - 4/10/23

April Community Speak Out Speaker

Orange County Department of Health, Yesenia Montalvo who is a Public Health Educator, presented to more than a dozen participates of all ages, including members of the Town of Highlands United Youth concerning lead paint danger during a community health outreach, April 6th. 

The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program tracks all  lead testing activities  for children in the county ages 6 months and older.

The outreach is done by home visits

This program offers free training on lead awareness, lead safe work practices and EPA Renovation Repair and Painting Rule  to contractors, property owners, childcare providers, parents, residents and landlords.

Ms. Montalvo provides prevention and education programs as well as information surrounding a variety of health topics.

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

At the Center of Highland Falls with the Orange County DA Hoovler's Initiative to enhance public safety there will be the opportunity to Understand Alcoholism and take an interactive quick test, Wednesday, April 19th at the Information Fair 11:30a -12:00p and Thursdays April 20th and 27th, 1:00p - 2:00p at the Center 264 Main Street

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